A Quick Explainer on Marine Conservation Issues

Your Step-By-Step Guide to Nailing Graduate School 

Scientific Writing & Communication Guide

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This course includes four total sessions, each lasting 1 hour on four consecutive Tuesdays beginning March 12.

Cover ancient seas, modern ocean habitats and creatures, threats our oceans face, marine conservation and the emerging blue economy.

Students will receive optional reading materials, including scientific literature about oceans and recommended videos/documentaries.

Course price is $70 per person.

“How inappropriate to call this planet ‘Earth,’ when it is clearly ‘Ocean.’”
― Arthur C. Clarke

Don't miss this!

Join me in exploring the vast and wondrous world of our ocean, which covers three quarters of Earth's surface and hold 97% of its water. This majestic ecosystem not only inspires awe and wonder, but also sustains life for nearly three billion people who rely on marine and coastal biodiversity. At the end of the four-week course, we will understand, appreciate, and protect Earth's ever-evolving ocean. 

$80 per person - 5 weeks

The Truth About Sharks

Over 500 species of sharks roam Earth’s marine ecosystems, but most people are familiar with only a few—typically the ones whose ominous dorsal fins have made it onto the silver screen. In this five-part lecture series, dive into the world of these elegant, powerful predators, exploring the diversity of life that exists across different species of sharks.

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